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Influential Writing Course

How to write an opinion article/blog in 30 min or less,

even if your English is not that great.

Are you still struggling with these problems?

  1. You find it difficult to put your thoughts on paper and make it flow.

  2. The articles you wrote do not do justice to your expertise.

  3. Your articles are too meandering, but you don't know how to improve it.

  4. You keep telling yourself that you can speak better than you write.

  5. You worry that poorly written blog will affect your credibility.

But you deserve to showcase your expertise and position yourself as an expert in your niche.


Why write opinion articles yourself when there are AI writers??

Here's 4 reason why you should not rely totally on AI to write your articles.

Lack of Originality

AI-generated content may not be as original or creative as content written by a human, as it relies on existing data and may not be able to think outside the box or come up with new ideas.

Lack of context and understanding

AI may not fully understand the context or nuances of a particular topic, which can lead to errors or misunderstandings in the content it produces.

Lack of empathy

AI may not be able to effectively convey emotion or understanding of a reader's perspective, which can make the content it produces feel impersonal or lacking in depth.

Unreliable Facts

AI scrapes the internet for information. Statistics and data it quotes may not be accurate or current. This will make you look bad. 

Showcase your expertise, not the AI's.

Google prefers human written articles.

  1. If you plan to write for SEO ranking, know that the latest Google algorithm favours content that is useful for people, not just search engines. Google calls it human-first content. 

  2. Search engines look for content that displays experience, expertise, authority, and trust to rank high, and human writers best express these elements.

Use AI writers as a tool to help you write faster. 
The person who can already write well will be able to use AI better.

When you complete the Influential Writing course, you will be able to:

  1. have a step-by-step process and structure on how to write your article in 30 minutes or less

  2. get over all the common mistakes that beginning writers don't even realise they are making

  3. plan your articles fast yet comprehensively using a proven system

  4. know exactly how to make your article clear, concise and compelling

  5. publish articles and position yourself as a thought-leader 

  6. launch and manage your blog with confidence, finally!

You don't have to have a good command of English to gain full benefit from this course. There are ways to get around it.

Especially useful if you are...

  • a subject matter expert who wants to position yourself as a thought leader in your niche.

  • an aspiring writer who wants to produce high quality articles faster, or

  • a marketer/sales professional who wants to add article writing to your skill set.

From the desk of Dean Shams

Over the last 15 years as a brand communication strategist, I have worked with hundreds of subject matter experts from different industries to help them raise their profile and build authority.


Part of the strategy is to develop opinion articles for them. These articles are crafted to bring out their expertise and strengthen their brand positioning. Many of them have been published in the media.

Influential Writing workshop was developed from my years of experience in writing high quality articles-fast!


The workshop was run in-person, and now I have made it into an online course supported with regular live Zoom sessions.


I want to help you become a confident and excellent writer.


Here's to your success,

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Still not convinced?
Hear what past participants have to say about Influential Writing Workshop.

More Testimonials

As a speaker, I have a lot of thoughts in my mind, and I always used to think that I could speak better than I could write. I noticed the importance of being able to translate my speaking into articles so that I can better market myself, and Dean has provided me with the perfect antidote today because he taught me how to structure my ideas better and weed out all the unnecessary portions which actually reduce the effectiveness of my writing.


The other thing about my writing is that I have been writing based on my personal perspective, and I suffer from the curse of knowledge. Today I learnt how to write from the reader's perspective, and in this way, I can better connect with my audience.


I really encourage you to sign up for Dean's workshop to position yourself as a thought leader in your respective fields.


Coen Tan

Speaker, Trainer


I came into the workshop with the idea that I could speak better than I could write. So sitting here in the room with Dean gave me the discipline and focus to deal with these thoughts and put them down on paper. I realised how easy the techniques to write clearly and more concisely and get my idea across. It was really fun. The time passed very quickly.


Charissa Seet

Lifestyle and corporate presenter


I do not have any confidence in writing at all. I speak well, but I always believe I cannot write well. However, I have learned greatly in this workshop the structure and the process that allows me to write quickly, clearly, and concisely. I highly recommend anyone to take this course because you will get more value than what you paid.


Abdul Hamid

Civil servant, aspiring writer


I came for the course mainly because I find myself not being able to write an article fast. Writing a single-page article took me at least 4 to 5 hours. When I came for this workshop, it was a revelation for me that actually, I can write fast within the time and within 20 minutes as required in the course. In the future, it will really help my writing and especially to get my work done.


Shirley Yam

Digital content developer


In the past, I used to have this challenge that when I wanted to write articles, I always had too many thoughts. I end up editing it repeatedly, trying to get the perfect article. I guess it was because it wasn't well-planned. In this workshop, I learned that it was very important to get my thoughts structured so that when I write will be more effective.


Alexs Chua

Real estate agency director


The challenge when I came here for the workshop was to resolve how to get a good structure for writing an article in a quick manner and in a way that is also very appealing. In this workshop, I learned the different techniques. I got to use a framework to get my thoughts going. The different parts of the framework interact to give rise to the different elements of the article. The impact I felt was to write an article in a more concise, compelling and confident manner. In the future, if I have to write an article for my work or my own stuff, I will be able to achieve my purpose with greater clarity as well.


Kenneth Oh


Read one participant's Before/After article

What you are signing up for


Access to full course.

- Do the course at your own pace that works with your busy schedule.

- You have 90 day access.

Value: $500


Templates, checklists & cheat sheets

- Get all the templates you need to get started fast and destroy writer's block.

- Checklist & cheat sheets that will guide you to produce high quality articles consistently.

Value: $150


Unlimited live coaching sessions with Dean. 

- You will be invited to all future group coaching sessions.

- Get all your doubts and queries answered. 

- Review of articles so you can learn what's good and what can be improved.

- Submit your article to get a chance to have Dean review and give pointer on how to improve.

Value: $3,600

Total Value: $4,250

Your Investment to Consistently Produce Excellent Articles in Your Name


Less than the cost of engaging a professional writer for one article!

No Risk, Money Back Guarantee!

Try it out for 14 days, and if you don't like it request for a full refund. No hard feelings :)

Let's start writing high quality articles confidently.

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